
2014 Las Vegas Industry Summit – Schedule

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Orleans Casino - Las Vegas Summit

Dates: March 16 – 19, 2014

The Orleans Casino
4500 West Tropicana Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89103

Website: www.theindustrysummit.com

More Information: Las Vegas Summit

2014 Las Vegas Sports Card Summit Schedule:

Sunday – March 16, 2014

  • 11:00 – Registration (the freebies keep getting worse each year)
  • 12:00-3:30 PM – Opening business session, including “Retailer Idea Exchange”. First look at the 2014 sport card & collectible survey results. Everyone in the sports card industry had such a bad year last year, but we will find a way to make sure the industry butt kissers put a positive spin on things.
  • 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM – Show floor open, featuring displays from industry companies desperate for money.
  • 7 PM – Retailer Reception (everyone bounces out to live the Vegas life)

Monday – March 17, 2014

  • 9:00-11:00 – Sports Auction Panel Discussion moderated by ESPN’s Michele Steele and Kelsey Schroyer. Who gets their sports card information from ESPN? Who cares, she’s cute.
  • 11:00-12:30 PM — SOLUTION SESSIONS:  Breakout sessions targeting industry growth opportunities. While there really aren’t any growth opportunities out there, we will tell you how to break your back for 70 hours a week to make barely above minimum wage.
  • Not much else – go play some craps

Tuesday – March 18, 2014

  • 7:45-8:45 AM – Breakfast/presentation
  • Hit the buffet up, the breakfast provided might be weak
  • 12:30-1:30 PM – Industry luncheon
  • 1:30-5 PM (CONCURRENT) 90-minute, sport-specific market-development sessionsHockey: 1:30 PM-3 PM – Only suckers Upper Deck and Panini America make licensed NHL cards. The cards are nice, but both companies WISH they made MLB ones. Ice up son!

    Baseball: 1:30 PM-3 PM – Topps will be offering free expired redemption cards to everyone in attendance.

    Football: 3:30 PM-5 PM – When there are good NFL rookies, buy up. When the rookie class sucks, like 2013, we’ll keep cranking out product! Topps and Panini can afford a bad year. Who cares if card shop owners and group breakers can’t?

    Basketball: 3:30 PM-5 PM – Panini blows off tons of money each year producing NBA basketball cards. But let’s come up with some ideas how you can lose money too!

At some point Panini will give away Black Boxes and everyone will be joyous for a second.

Wednesday – March 19, 2014

  • Everyone leaves on Tuesday night or this morning. Not much to do this day.


Corporate Partners

Panini America – Their products are so horrible but they make up for it by lavishing dealers with gifts and Black Boxes at the Summit. Panini could end up broke in five years (like every other card company except Topps) but at least they give a damn about you!

Beckett Media – Book prices are out of date, the marketplace is clunky, but old men still flock daily!

Upper Deck – When you go from the top of the sports card game……to the bottom, it’s hard to stay relevant. They are hanging on by a string hoping for a buyer.

Wholesale Distributors – They rent a 0.35/cents sq ft warehouse and set up a laptop. Card companies love them because distributors wipe all the inventory off their books. Sluuuuurp!

The Pit – One time I made $50 in a month “flipping” cards on The Pit. That was like ten years ago. They were once owned by Topps and called every month to check in. No. For real.

Topps – The plan to get an exclusive MLB license was hatched even before Topps was sold in 2007. I guess none of the ones complaining about such exclusive paid any attention back then. How’s that gum taste!


About the author 


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