One of the largest, and most expensive (for dealers) card shows in the country is in Las Vegas.
Dealer tables are over $2,000 each!
March 10-12, 2022
Mandalay Bay Resort
Convention Center
The Strip
Las Vegas, NV

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Card Show Calendar
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Wholesale Distributor List
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Where to Price Sports Cards
The best websites to price your sports card collection.
Jan Wahl will be appearing at the show.
She will be signing flat items limited amounts signed.
Jan Wahl reserves the right not to sign any items.
Breaking News my wife has just signed for a limite enagment entertainmemt experience better than Brittany Sperars.
Jan Wahl dont miss it.
$2000 for a table for Sports cards not going to be much bargains at this show or dealers?
Only in vegas.
Guess cannot my 1990 Fleer MJ here all those idiots who sent them in for graded . Hope you get rich guys love yourplastic junk that nobody isbuying.