
Responsible Betting on Basketball: Setting Limits and Staying in Control

by Wyne // in The Lounge

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Basketball is a thrilling sport and the end-to-end action makes it a fantastic sport on which to have a bet. Due to the fast-paced nature of basketball, it can be easy to get caught in the moment and lose control of your betting. Continue below as we set out some steps so you always stay in control and bet on basketball responsibly.

Set a Budget

Before you begin betting on basketball, you must set a budget. This is the amount of money you can afford to lose when betting on basketball. The budget should not be set based on if you win any money when betting, it should always be based on losing all the money. That way, should you lose the money, you know you are not causing yourself any difficulties financially and can still afford to do all the other things you need and want to do.

Setting and sticking to your budget means you will enjoy the basketball betting experience more because you are relaxed, knowing that you do not have to win the bet because you are betting your last dollar on the sport.

Do Not Chase Losses

With so many professional basketball games being played across the world, there is always a game on which to bet most days. That makes it tempting to place another bet on basketball should your original bet lose in a bid to win back the money you lost. Even during the same game, should you be betting live, it can be extremely tempting to place another bet on the game immediately following the loss of a bet. Chasing losses in this way is one of the most damaging things you can do when betting on basketball.

When you feel tempted to place another bet on a basketball game to try and win back the money you lost, try and remember why you are betting on the sport and the budget you have set. Betting on basketball is a form of entertainment and once you have reached your budget limit, it is time to step away and look forward to betting again next time.

Emotional Betting

Betting on your own basketball team to win can be a lot of fun but you must try and avoid getting emotionally involved in your betting. Just because your team has the best players, doesn’t meant they will always win. Placing basketball bets based on rash decision making, such as always backing your favorite team to win, can lead to losses. The same applies when betting against a basketball team you dislike. It is easy to get swept up in the emotional side of the sport and that can lead to overspending when betting. Try and remain neutral when betting on basketball and only bet on your own team as a bit of fun.


One of the best ways to make the most of your money when basketball betting is to claim welcome bonuses and other promotions. Claiming a welcome bonus at an online sportsbook can more than double the amount of money you have to bet on the sport. One of the best sportsbook bonuses for basketball is the no deposit bonus and you will find the current no deposit bonuses at gamble-usa.com.

If you have a small budget for basketball betting, claiming a no deposit bonus means you do not need to deposit any of your own money to place a bet. If you win the bet using the no deposit bonus, great. Should you lose the bet using the no deposit bonus, you have not eaten into your basketball betting bankroll and can continue betting.

Bankroll Management

Managing your bankroll is the best way to get the most from your basketball betting budget. Think about the markets on which you would like to bet ahead of the game and divide your bankroll accordingly. You may wish to bet on the money line, totals, handicap, points range, and props markets.

These are some of the most popular basketball betting markets and if you want to enjoy betting on all of them, you will need to divide your budget sensibly to cover each market. Divide your budget accordingly and write down the amount you can bet on each market so you can always keep track.

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