Writing For Through The Mail (TTM) Autographs
By – TheCornwellFamily
This post is not for specifically writing for autographs – What to send and How to do it.
When I am requesting cards to be signed, I try to only send cards that are plain cardboard with no gloss. I have had several cards sent back that were glossy and it caused the auto to be smeared. There are always several card types that fit this criteria (Topps Heritage is usually a good one).
Secondly, I always send two cards and in my note to the player I always give them the option to keep one for themselves and send one back to me (most of the time they send both back but I have had a couple players write back to me to tell me thanks for the card).
Thirdly, I always enclose a self addressed stamped envelope for them to return the card in. A couple extra things to remember is to make the note personable (great batting average, you had great rushing totals etc.) Don’t ever let the star power of the player stop you from writing them. I have had many (Big Stars) return the cards signed and rejected. Every player has a different personality and you need to take the chances. Lastly, when you send a card to be autographed, always remember that card might not come back so be prepared to lose it – so you might not want to send your best card out.
Good luck and good writing.