
Did Sports Card Investor Take $300K LOSS on Jordan Rookie?

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On the eve of his sports card store opening, did the Sports Card Investor take a nearly $300,000 loss when selling a 1986-87 Fleer Michael Jordan rookie card?

MTTrading2 on Twitter reported that a 86-87 Fleer Jordan PSA 10 rookie card sold for $216,000 on January 25, 2024 via PWCC.

This exact same copy sold for $510,000 at a Goldin Auction in April 2021. 

In July of 2021, Geoff Wilson flexed on his Instagram page that he owned the copy that went for $500K.

It's not known if Wilson sold the card prior to it being listed on PWCC. 

No matter when Wilson sold the card, he essentially purchased the 86-87 Fleer Jordan rookie at the top of the market.

According to CardLadder, the Jordan Fleer rookie card is down 55% since Wilson purchased it back in April 2021. 

Just months prior to purchasing the Jordan card in 2021, Wilson's marketing company received a $1,160,930 government issued PPP loan. 

PPP loans were meant for businesses who needed help paying employees during the global pandemic, that began in 2020. 

Wilson's sports card store, CardHQ opens February 1, with a Trade Night scheduled for January 27th. 

In YouTube videos, Wilson claims to have spent $3 million opening the new venture. 

About the author 

Grayson Bryce-Thompson

  • What a fool.

    Spic Beaner San Antonio TX.

    If anybody wants a rare case of 90s score fb let me know. This case is very and i have one of limited quantity produced. Very hard to find and lots of valuable cards as told to me. Great investment you can retire on. Serious offers only. For the person who has an eye on the future.


  • The Star Jordan rookie he bought has done really well. A PSA “authentic” recently sold for 15k, he bought his 9 I think for 100k

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