A new Instagram account (now deleted) is out detailing the losses Geoff Wilson, better known as Sports Card Investor, has taken on some of his cardboard purchases.

Sports Card Investor
And Wilson is super mad about it, he's threatening to sue online critics!
One IG post details how Wilson is down over $200,000 on some LeBron James refractor cards.

Here is ANOTHER post that details how Wilson is down over $200,000 on this Michael Jordan RC purchase he made in 2021.

When all this got posted on Twitter it started to get under the skin of Wilson!
In a classic move, the Sports Card Investor started to suggest he might pursue legal action against some of his haters!

Wilson threatens to sue another Twitter member after calling the Sports Card Investor out about some Select Basketball boxes.

The last 8 months have been brutal to the Sports Card Investor as views to his videos are down, the market for sports cards has shrunk considerably, and now some of his "investment" advice is being exposed.
We'll see how the Sports Card Investor and the hobby at large recovers heading into 2022.
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Geoff Wilson seems like a good honest guy enjoying, and making money in a great fun hobby. If people don’t like what he does or says then don’t watch him stay in your lane. I don’t take all of his advise but enjoy watching his videos. Keep up the good work Mr Wilson.
Wow people really are worried bout another man’s pocket I guess!! They mad u can lose 200k+ or 300k+ and it not make a dent for u!! Everyone takes losses like any market u invest in, why are people (idiots) making it seem like he’s telling us what to buy when he clearly states hes not telling us what to buy!! He’s made up for those losses n then some so who’s the dumbass n by the way the sports card market is doing fine and it’s feb of 2023 and when fanatics takes over ur gonna wish u had some brains and bought in a long time ago!!
I believe in Geoff Wilson and sports card investments. I am one of his biggest fan and I know in my heart he is 100 percent a honest person. All the advice he has brought me from his app and videos has paid off for me and nobody’s bull crap will make me think any different.
Idk. Typically when people go on the defense so strongly, it is bc they are hiding something. I’d like to see how this all pans out. Also, shout out to sportscardradio. Keep up the great and HONEST content!
Geoff when climbing to the top you’ll pass a few idiots. The sports trading card industry is fickle. A story comes out about an athlete on its face seems benign then they’re popularity plummets along with their card price. Collectors wheel and deal all the time in search of trends going up and down. Haters of your game, have let the ebb and flow of an unstable industry, the loss of money, jealousy and a volatile market lash out at you because you’ve managed to be calm, make money and carve out a nitch for yourself. You’ll always have someone somewhere envy the enviable. Take it in stride, stay calm and rock on. Good trading to you. Clark
Mr, Wilson they are just JEALOUS!!!!!! Pay them No Mind but SUE if you have to I believe that you are honest as The Day Is Long!!!! Your fan!!!! Terry Roberson