
Sports Card Gossip: Police on the Scene

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Rumor is Elite Card Grading is headed for bankruptcy. Over 100 collectors could still have cards in ECG’s possession.

Local police have been called and told victims to wait over the weekend to see if ECG returns their cards. Drama could unfold if ECG dips out totally.

Another WhatNot breaker is accused of not shipping cards. This is almost a daily complaint we receive about some random breaker on WhatNot.

Swishbreaks was the culprit in a recent email. One customer never got a Jordan Love RPA and an Aaron Rogers Downtown insert card.

Swish Breaks

Ouch. HORRIBLE analysis from Altan Insights in a recent article. They were comparing the Card Ladder 50 prices to eBay stock.

While it may look like investing in cards is the way to go, Altan failed to point out that eBay was paying out a $0.14-$0.23 cent quarterly dividend from 2/28/2019 to present.

Reinvesting that money per quarter would make a HUGE impact on the actual investment total.

Or you could of paid some bills with the money eBay sent you per quarter.

When has a sports card paid you per quarter to hold it?

Cards are not like stocks. Especially dividend paying stocks.

That’s not content!! Having traveled to 45 of the 50 states in the U.S., guaranteed, most of the people reading this, live in a place more boring and with FAR worse weather than Stockton, CA.

But, while a lot of drama can go down in Stockton, truth is, we haven’t lived there in a long time.

Geoff Wilson’s wife Kim is leaving her job after 12 years running Social News Desk.

We have a new YouTube channel where we will clip out moments from our live streams and also post random vids.

It has some older videos on it. MLB outcast Trevor Bauer was once a top prospect and the angle I got of him warming up is why I love going to minor league baseball games.

The FBI has all the evidence they need against Mayo Gilbert McNeil, the 82 year old man arrested in a scam we talked about 6 months ago.

McNeil along with others (one of the scammers goes by the name “Copperfield”) take fraudulent PSA cases and will then insert inferior or counterfeit cards into them. The scam netted McNeil $800,000 alone.

There are audio tapes, bank wire records, photographs, basically a treasure trove of evidence against the guy.

McNeil isn’t believed to be the lead person in the scammer ring. He was arrested first, likely, because he can provide information on the whereabouts of the others involved in the group.

When digging into the McNeil stuff, one rumor that popped up was PWCC once had their own in house card doctor of sorts. Able to alter cards in a way to get them past grading companies.

We seem to recall a Dr. Huigens from some of our investigative work in 2019.

Someone paid us $100 to put this article on our website. For those concerned, it took about 45 seconds to cut, paste, and post the article to the website.

The money was spent much quicker.

Probably a joke from Backyard Breaks, but maybe not!

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